Who Is Hairee?
(And how the heck do you pronounce her name?)

Hairee & Her Mission
Hairee is a therapist in training set to become a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in the next several years.
James Hollis, Jungian psychotherapist (don’t ask her what this means), PhD, put it like this: at some point in a person’s mid-life, her very nature will demand that she make the journey toward knowing her Soul or core Self (already defined by her nature) rather than her ego (defined by others). He calls this journey the Middle Passage*.
Hairee is in her Middle Passage, so to speak, the brackish shores of who she was long past view while the shores of a new world remains beyond the horizon.
Before pursuing a career in mental health, Hairee worked as a convenience store cashier, a car rental agent, a market researcher, an office assistant, a middle school math teacher, a high school chemistry teacher, a high school English teacher, a blogger, a published writer, a social media manager, and a full time “work-at-home” (as her therapist likes to put it) parent.
The purpose of this website is two fold: one, to guide and document Hairee’s journey of healing; and two, to have her journey act as a possible map for others on their journey toward mental health. If anything on this site helps you navigate your own journey to healing, then it will have done it’s job.
Hairee has lived in Seoul, Toronto, Montreal, London, Boston, New York City, Rapid City, and now calls Ambler (near Philadelphia) home with her two sons and two cats.
(And her name is pronounced HAY, like hay for horses, and ree. HAY-ree. EE-zee.)
*Hairee personally thinks this term was a tad tone deaf on the part of the author and his editor. For an old, white, American man, living out his remaining years in Switzerland to rename the mid-life crisis as Middle Passage, that part of the Atlantic from West Africa to the West Indies where people were forced to cross during the slave trade . . . well, she won’t go into that here, but know that she’s giving the man the side eye.